Required information is marked with a red * symbol.

(To select a year quickly, click the year number (like "2020") and then the << symbol. To select a month quickly, click the month name.)

Your Permanent Address:

I am using an Agent:

If you are using an Agent, please provide information about the Agent.

Agent Name & Address:

For Agents not on the list:

Emergency Contact (person must speak English):

School you will attend:

Length of homestay:

Minimum contract lengths are below. Students may extend with host permission. Minimum contract length for Southern California students is 3 months.

(there is a no smoking policy in all host homes)
Do you have any food restrictions? If so, please specify:

Do you accept children under 8 years old in your host home?

If you have specific needs for your host home, please write them below:


The following information must be completed by the parent if the applicant is under 18 years of age.
Please list any medical conditions in the past three years that have been treated by a physician. Also, list any emotional difficulties, allergies (animals, food, medicine), learning disabilities, and physical limitations. List any visits to a psychologist, counselor, or psychiatrist in the past ten years.

Airport Pickup:

Airport Pickup Rates (per person):
Northern California $175
Southern California $175
College of the Desert $120
Hawaii $120

Airport Arrival Flight Information:

Payment (All fees are non-refundable):

Please check below if any of these fees apply to you:

(refunded upon departure if all ISP terms are satisfied)
Is $100 if applying within 21 days of arrival
My method of payment is:

If paying by check or money order, please mail check or money order to:

International Student Placements
5050 El Camino Real, Suite #104
Los Altos, CA 94022

Applications are processed once payment is received.


1. ISP payments: ISP will charge the placement fee, deposit, and airport pick up fee to my credit card when I apply. All fees are non-refundable. I will pay my host directly for the monthly rent when they arrive. Applications are not processed until my fees have been received.

2. Contract Period. I agree to stay with my host family for my entire contract period. I may extend my contract with the consent of my host family. If I choose to leave my host home prior to the end of my contract, I agree to pay rent for the remainder of the contract period. I agree to give both my host and ISP 30 days notice prior to moving out. If I break my contract I will lose my deposit.

3. Breach of Contract. If I break my contract, I understand I will lose my deposit. If I choose to leave my host home prior to the end of my contract, I agree to pay rent for the remainder of the contract period.

4. Host Payments. I will pay my host on the day I arrive. If my rent is not paid on time each month, I must leave my host home immediately and ISP will not offer me a new host family. I will only pay rent to my host one month at a time. I understand ISP can change the monthly fees at any time. I agree to have my rent and/or any damage I cause to my host home charged to my credit card if I fail to pay. I understand that ISP does not get involved in rent disputes between host families and students. My host may choose to be paid either the same date every month (ex: May 10th, June 10th, July 10th) or for me to pay the remainder of the month when I arrive and the first of every month after (ex: May 10-31, June 1st, July 1st).

5. Service Fees (for Southern California Students). I understand that ISP will be charging my credit card $70 for every month that I am in homestay. I understand that if the credit card is declined or returned as invalid, I must take the proper steps so that ISP can charge this fee. There is a $100 fee for each denied or invalid charge. I understand that in order for ISP to stop charging the monthly service fee, I must inform the ISP office by email.

6. Deposit. In order for me to get my $100 deposit back, I must clean my bedroom and return the house key to my host. I understand I must request to have my deposit returned by sending ISP an email within 60 days of departure. I will read the deposit information sheet that was emailed to me when I applied. Deposit refund checks are sent only within the United States.

7. Meals. If I choose the meal option, my host will provide breakfast and dinner every night. Hosts will prepare dinner at least five nights per week. I will make my own meals on nights when dinner is not prepared. I will discuss my food preferences with my host. I understand that lunches and snacks are not included in my rent and that I am responsible for paying for my lunch. If I sign up for no meals, I will be permitted to prepare only light meals in my host’s kitchen. I can switch my meal plan after arrival with my host’s consent only. If I have strict dietary needs, I will purchase my own food.

8. Student Guidelines. I will read and understand the ISP Student FAQ sheet that will be emailed to me when I’m accepted to the ISP program. My guests and family members will not stay overnight in my host’s home. If I violate this, even if I received permission from my host, I will be asked to leave the ISP program. ISP will not provide me with alternative housing and no fees will be refunded. My host may set a curfew for me even if I am over 18 years old. I will abide by the curfew laws of the city where I am residing.

9. Airport Pickup. I understand that my airport pick-up fee is non-refundable. If my parents accompany me, they must pay the fee in advance of arrival and make their own hotel reservations. I understand that traffic may delay ISP Airport drivers. If I am under 18 years old, I will NOT fly as an unaccompanied minor. ISP is not able to sign for me at the airport. ISP uses a third party company to provide airport pickups for students. I understand that the airport driving company is not an employee of ISP and that ISP has no control of liability for the airport service.

10. Transportation. Transportation to and from school is not included in my homestay program. The bus ride to my school will take between 40-65 minutes each way. Requests may not be made for close host families.

11. Host Possessions. I agree to take good care of my host family’s possessions, and to be financially responsible for the costs of any repairs associated with breakage or loss. I agree to clean my bedroom and bathroom once per week. If I fail to clean, my host has the right to charge me an extra fee.

12. Rules. If I break any of my host family’s or ISP rules and/or If it’s decided that I am not an appropriate match for a homestay program, ISP will not provide me with alternative housing and will not refund any rent or fees paid.

13. Prohibited Activities. I will not engage in any illegal activities, including the use of drugs or alcohol (the use of alcohol & tobacco is legal in the US at the age of 21). Excessive alcohol consumption for students over the age of 21, theft, abuse of property, verbal or physical abuse, impolite language or behavior will result in ISP termination. I will stay informed of all laws in the US and I will abide by them. I will not smoke cigarettes or marijuana inside or outside my host home even for medical necessity. If I violate these rules, I will be asked to leave my host family’s home. ISP will not provide me with alternative housing. I will forfeit any paid rent and ISP will not refund any fees that were paid. ISP will take me to a local hotel for which I will be responsible for payment.

14. Medical. I certify that I am physically and medically able to participate in the program and have no physical or medical condition that would make my participation in the program unsafe or dangerous to others or myself. I certify that I have been seen by a healthcare provider within the last year and that I have completed the medical portion of this application truthfully. I have disclosed to ISP all allergies, medications I am taking, and past/current mental and physical health issues.

15. Request for Host change. If I have problems with my host family within my contract period, ISP will assist me to resolve the issue. ISP will have the final authority to decide if a host move is needed. The placement fee is valid for my original placement, and there will be an additional placement fee for requesting to move to another host. If the host family has to cancel hosting during my original contract period or if the host has altered the original homestay agreement or is unable to provide a safe living arrangement, ISP will make a second placement at no charge.

16. Media release. I hereby grant to ISP and its representatives the right and permission, with respect to those photographs, videos, or any media taken of me and with respect to any printed matter in connection therewith to include them in any advertising, publicity, and promotion thereof.

17. Warranties/consent. I warrant that the information provided on my application is true and correct, I am not a sex offender, and I have not been convicted of any crimes. I authorize ISP, it’s employees, coordinators, and host family, to consent to any x-ray examinations, anesthetic, medical, or surgical treatment, or emergency hospital care on my behalf. I agree that ISP, it’s employees, coordinators, and assigned host family can take any action whatsoever with regard to my safety without incurring any liability or expense.


19. Indemnification/Governing Law. I understand that hosts are not ISP’s employees or agents, and that ISP has no constructive control of hosts’ behavior. I understand that the information provided by ISP about my host family is not a perfect predictor of how my host family will act in the future and that the background and safety of my host is not guaranteed. It is voluntary for me to participate in trips and activities with my host family and that ISP does not require my participation. I understand that ISP cannot control or guarantee the behavior of host families now or in the future. I assume all risks associated with injury or loss arising from my participation in the ISP program. I release ISP of any liability for any claim of injury, death, property damage, or other loss.

20. Governing Law. The parties agree to file any dispute regarding this Agreement in Santa Clara County, California Superior Court, and that any case will be determined using California law. The parties agree to solve any dispute and resolution of this agreement using mediation service in Santa Clara County using the American Arbitration Association before using any other means to solve the dispute.

Student certifies to having read the Terms and Conditions and agrees to be bound hereto. Each party warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into and perform under this Agreement and that the person signing this Agreement on behalf of such party has been duly authorized and empowered to execute this Agreement. Student and Parent either comprehend English and/or have had an interpreter to explain this document and its contents in its entirety. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed. Student and Parent acknowledge that student possesses the maturity and psychological readiness necessary for an overseas immersion program.

For Parents with applicants under 18:

I acknowledge that my child is under the age of eighteen, and that I, not the host family, nor ISP will be held responsible for our child’s actions while he/she lives in the United States. I agree to pay the full amount for any and all damages in the homestay for which my child is responsible, regardless of whether the damages were accidental. I agree to hold harmless and release all liabilities of ISP, and the host family chosen for my child, including all claims against ISP and the host family for any injury, loss, damages, accident, delay or expense resulting from participation in the homestay program. I hereby acknowledge, accept, and agree to the above named terms and conditions.)

By clicking "Agree" below, I state that I understand and agree to the terms and conditions.

Student: I verify that the information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Furthermore, I authorize my host family and/or ISP to act my representative to authorize emergency medical/dental treatment for me.

Parent (if student is under 18): I authorize my child’s host family and/or ISP to act as my representative to authorize emergency medical/dental treatment for my child. I understand that neither ISP nor my child’s host family has legal responsibility for the actions of my child while in the ISP program. I remain solely responsible for the care, guardianship, and actions of my child.



Submit the information in the application form by clicking the "Submit" button below:
It might take a few minutes to process your information before you: 1) see a confirmation message in your web browser, and 2) receive a confirmation email.



Student Photograph:
After you submit the information above by clicking the "Submit" button,
1) Fill out the Name and Email fields below,
1) Use the "Select Files" button to select a photo image file on your computer,
2) Click the "Upload" button below to submit the image.
3) The bar in the gray box will change to green and say "Upload Completed" if your upload is successful.